
Birdhouses and insect blocks made from reclaimed wood. City-wide biodiversity intervention. Limerick, Ireland. 2013.

The Wildroutes Project received funding from Environment Fund for Biodiversity Awareness Grant Scheme 2013 to make and install several birdhouses and bug boxes around Limerick City Centre.

This grant funding was used to expand the network of animal shelters throughout the city by allowing building owners the option to have a bug box or bird house placed in an appropriate location on their premises. This was accompanied by a sign explaining what the shelter is, why it is necessary, the benefits of a more biodiverse environment, and a link to an online resource.

There was an online map of Limerick City through the Wildroutes website which displayed the locations of these shelters to create an online network for those businesses involved in the project, and for those interested in becoming involved. This was accompanied by information regarding biodiversity, ecosystems, local wildlife and other relevant links.

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